Sunday, December 14, 2008


The fact that armed intervention in the present situation against Pakistan is not one of the options open to India for various obvious national and international reasons, the strategy of coercive diplomacy with the threat of armed intervention as a possibility is being discussed in the media, which does not really amount to much as an activity to assuage the outrage felt by every Indian without distinction of religion, region, language or caste at the INVASION of INDIA on 26/11. This show of national unity has come about for the first time after 1971 and is thus of signal importance in determining the options open to India. The country can really not expect the GOI to be able to do much since the cronies who have brought about 26/11 upon India with their vacillations on dealing with terrorism for the last five years are still very much in power in New Delhi. The state governments are worse. The district administration is still the only administrative unit working in India, however haltingly and civil society has its channels of communications with it still working. This is where WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA could begin to assert ourselves by organizing the Mohalla committees to become watch-dogs for detecting suspicious objects wrapped in polythene bags near garbage dumps, which are a standing invitation to the sleeping modules of the terrorists silently going about their lethal business of killing innocent people right in our midst. These Mohalla committees could also establish links with the various civic services to provide aid in an emergency to helpless people in the Mohalla. The various district and city associations could organize themselves to deal with all kinds of emergencies with the district administration as well as the Municipal or Mahapalika authorities and in this manner the whole district would be prepared to deal with every terror related episode on a continuous basis. It has been noticed that the terrorists only target locations or cities which are least prepared and the kind of preparation that is being mentioned here would not remain a secret. We in Dehradun have already started this process with admirable results. In this manner if every district in India was to do so WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA would have made it impossible for the terrorists to go about their business of killing innocent people and making INDIA a laughing stock of the whole world. WHY NOT TRY to do something instead of fuming at our impotent and corrupt political and society leaders. These leaders are never going to come to the aid of helpless people of India.