Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is the net result of an episode of serial blasts, whether attributed to members of the minority communities or to the naxalites? Who gains what? The first response is from the PM, the President, the party presidents of all political parties, Presidents of USA, Pakistan, all other Heads of states all over the world etc unanimously condemning the dastardly deed. Some terrorist organization with changed name claims to have done it. No one seems to say 'well done'! Then why should condemnations from the highest quarters be treated as 'BREAKING NEWS'?
The next response is from the police- a major break through! Hand of X,Y,Z & A,B,C & D suspected. So many dead, so many grievously injured(read expected to die), so many injured, so many reported injured but since discharged etc. The state government in a fit of remorse for failure of intelligence declares grant of Rs five lacs to the next of deceased(which would not be disbursed because of a dispute amongst the next of kin), a grant of Rs one lac to the injured(which would not get disbursed because the doctors would not be able to certify the injury) etc. The Union Home Ministry would wash their hands of the episode with a glib announcement that they had passed on the 'RELEVANT' intelligence to the state government well in time which the state government would deny. By this time the news of serial blasts would be overtaken in the media by the gruesome murder of a teenager(preferably a girl-boys getting murdered are less sensational because there is less scope for free imagination to the theories of why the girl was murdered?) and the serial blast would be forgotten till the next serial blast would bound to take place, thanks to our determined terrorist brothers who are only trying to wake up the KUMBHKARANS of India. Otherwise, the net effect of so many dead is helping to solve India's population problem. The silent public should be trying harder to wake up the 'KUMBHAKARAN'. Would they listen to the silent prayers of this blog?
What effect do episodes of such serial blasts have on our unfortunate minority communities, 99.99999...% of whom have nothing to do with them, whomsoever they may be attributed to? The .ooooooo1% of their foolish brethren are making the life of the rest of the community hellish by using such means to invite the attention of the 'KUMBHKARAN' whose attention can be invited by less fatal means, if only they were to use their talents in ways that are permitted by the legally constituted governance system in India. Why do they have to keep listening to their sponsors abroad who are the real enemies of the minorities in India. Would they listen to the silent prayers of this blog?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Yug Nirman movement nationwide and worldwide has the potential of graduating into a movement for world peace. This would require broad basing the movement itself so that it begins to inspire people of all age groups, nationalities, creeds, colours and languages. This is a tall order and would require fresh thinking which while adhering to the fundamentals of the movement would need to have an appropriate strategy of action in tune with the needs of changing times. REACHA standing for Research and Extension Association for Conservation, Horticulture & Agro-forestry, a voluntary agency based in New Delhi has positioned itself to do just this in addition to carrying out many other activities relating to human resource development as well as conserving the environment. REACHA's website can be visited by any one who is keen to join in this effort. The task is immense and would require the enthusiastic collaboration of all thinking and concerned individuals throughout the world. REACHA has suggested many a ways to go about this task through its Action Ideas elaborated in its website. Can all sane humans join this effort?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

घर मैं शांती होगी तो ही पड़ोस मैं शांती होगी । तभी आसपास शांती होगी । तभी शहर मैं शांती होगी और तभी जनपद मैं, प्रदेश मैं तथा देश मैं भी शांती होगी। wishwa शांती के लीए इसी प्रकार हर देश का हर शहर हर गाँव हर मोहल्ला जब शांत होगा तभी पूरा संसार शांत होसकेगा । क्या यह सम्भव है? यह कहा जाएगा की दूनीया मुर्दा हो गई। संसार के हर इन्सान को अगर शांती चाहीये तो उसे ख़ुद को शांत बनाना होगा। युद्ध करने वाले देश ऐसे ही हथीयार बनाना बंद नही करने वाले हैं। जब तक युद्ध करने वाले सीपाही युद्ध करने से इंकार नही करते तब तक हथीयार बनने बंद नही होंगे। युद्ध करने वाले सीपाही की रोज़ी रोटी का इंतजाम कीये बीना वह युद्ध करने से इंकार नही कर पायेगा। यही सोचना है की इस दीशा मैं कैसे आगे चला जाए।