Friday, August 29, 2008

World Peace

World Peace is a dream which can be realized only in ones imagination today. How can we relate it to every human being on earth? Can we think of a day or a week every year when all hostilities in the world would come to a stand-still? Perhaps, 2nd October(Gandhi Jayanti) every year could be such a day; or 25th December(Christmas Day) could also be such a day,to begin with and later could be extended to the following week. Is it a pipe dream?.

The biggest threat to World Peace(WP) is coming out of the ambitions of world powers(wps) as we know them today and also from non-state agencies who are intent upon changing the map of the world to suit their respective passions or dreams of a new millennium. How do we address such notions of correcting past oppressions or atrocities? Cannot an attitude of 'let bygones be bygones' be induced into the mindsets of such non-state players or even the wps whose ambitions are creating havoc for WP? When WP is disturbed every human being on earth is affected. Why should the silent onlookers not make it their business to protest against anything which disturbs their peace of mind? What can they do? Let us put our minds to address this question the world over.

Interestingly since I have been thinking about World Peace I have a delicious feeling of inner peace. Such is the power of our thoughts. In my second comment yesterday I had suggested that the silent onlookers of breach of peace should protest. Instead I now suggest that they should start thinking of remedying the breach of peace wherever it may have taken place. How would be the obvious question. By praying for peace. Can the 95% people of the world who are non-combatants pray for WP on a fixed day every year, preferably at the same time. That would generate a massive thought-wave of peace which would definitely shake the faith in violent means of the remaining 5% people engaged in violence. How to go about telling every one of the 95% peace-loving people to pray for peace. Can the UNO be approached to issue a directive to all member-nations to mobilize their people to do so on a fixed day & time decided by the UNO after a resolution to his effect by the General Assembly? Can some of our IFS luminaries do something to this effect? Or am I imagining the impossible! I suppose my batch-mates would forgive my day-dream. It was APJ Abdul Kalam who told us not to stop dreaming & I am inclined to accept the advice of my former employer.

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